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Purchase Support

Purchase Support Information

A Purchase Support ticket is made by players to report and resolve any anomalies that may occur during a purchase or transaction on our store.


When making a purchase support ticket you must meet these requirements

  • You must have the PayPal Transaction ID or email (if applicable)

  • You must not be requesting a refund


Once a ticket is submitted it will be sent to a staff member for review. Failure to meet the requirements or answer the questions seriously/ properly will result in immediate denial. The purchase support system is made to make transactions between players and Zentic accurate and efficient. Abuse of this system can lower the efficiency of the purchase support system. You may be punished for forging tickets, making troll tickets, and making false tickets with malicious intent. This process can be accelerated if you include your correct username, transaction ID, and date of purchase. This makes it easier to find your payment.


How long will it take to get a response?

Depending on how busy the staff members are, and the amount of other tickets it can take from one day to a few weeks.


What does “Escalated” mean?

It means that the report has been forwarded to higher staff members to review.


Why are there no refunds?

As stated in our terms and conditions on our store, it is not possible to refund digital goods because they are digital a thus can't be exchanged for money.


What if my parents issued a chargeback?

Unfortunately, unless you are able to purchase back the item that you chargebacked, you will remain blacklisted. If you do purchase them back then please open a support ticket. If you don’t own or have permission to use your parents credit card then please don’t to avoid getting blacklisted.


Do I have to include the PayPal Transaction ID?

No, however it’s highly recommended to have a faster reply.


My account has been banned from the store, how do I get unbanned?

We typically don’t ban players from our store, but if you are banned and believe it was unjustified then you can make a support ticket.


How do I get unblacklisted?

You can get unblacklisted by repurchasing the original item(s) that you chargeback and then open a support ticket with the transaction ID.


What if I have questions about purchase support that are not answered here?

You can contact a staff member via website conversation, Discord, in game message, etc. to ask them your question.


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This document is provided by Engineous for the Zentic community.